• Zero tolerance mode in effect!


1я бригада Голани советников получила флаги и готова к отправке в свой первый деплоймент в Афган. Пара фраз зацепила внимание ;)





"Ladies and gentlemen, in less than nine months, the formation in front of you has gone from a concept to a combat ready formation fully ready for employment," said Jackson. "Starting with nothing, this formation has simultaneously recruited, trained and assimilated more than 800 Soldiers; received over 22,000 pieces of equipment; conducted two combat training center rotations; developed innovative doctrine related to security force assistance and formed and synchronized original equipping strategies to meet our unique mission requirements."

"In times of national crisis when our Army is called to expand quickly, we already have a ready-made brigade combat team chain of command," continued Milley. The brigade could be filled with Soldiers, conduct training, and be ready to fight in a relatively short period of time.

Milley continued that the 1st SFAB is an excellent organization because the unit is filled with the right people and emphasized that 80 percent of the formation are combat veterans, many with advising experience.

"Remember that you are the United States of America and the profession of arms to our partners," said Jackson. "Our conduct, appearance, actions and values must represent the best of America and its Army."
Весьма интересные данные по рекрутированию в Армию

Right now, the Army is exceeding standards – 95 percent of recruits are high school graduates, and less than 4 percent of recruits are in the lowest acceptable category, Army officals said.

“I have raised … the standard with regard to [category] 4s and directed the Army recruit no more than 2 percent moving forward,” Esper said.

The goal for this year was 80,000 recruits. However, that goal dropped to 76,500 due to a less than planned for end strength for the Army and improved retention. Congress authorized an increase of 7,500 soldiers this year and the Army had planned for 10,000. “We can’t exceed end strength, so we had to drop the goals,” Dailey said.

Typically, the service sees a retention rate of about 81 percent. It is at 86 percent. “That’s good news,” Esper said. “It tells me that our soldiers like what they are doing and like their service in the military. This also lowers the numbers the service can recruit.”
The active duty Army force is set at 483,500 service members this year, with another 4,000 soldiers added next year. “My view is we need to be above 500,000 with associated growth in the Guard and reserve,” Esper said.
The Army is looking at ways to make combat formations more robust to deal with the possible high intensity conflict of the future. The Army is looking to add more engineers, artillery, cyber warriors and air defense to units, Army officials said.

The big deployments are over – there is no longer 200,000 troops in Iraq or 150,000 in Afghanistan, but there is still a lot of demand. At any one time, three armored combat brigades are deployed – one in Korea, one in Europe and one in Kuwait. “Then we are still rotating infantry brigade combat teams to Afghanistan and Africa,” Esper said.
“We like to say at any one time there is more than 100,000 soldiers deployed around the world.
“We are going to seek a reprogramming to buy enhanced night vision goggles – binocular for the soldiers that will give us enhanced lethality on the battlefield. This summer we will be contracting for the squad designated marksman rifle. We will begin prototyping soon the next generation squad weapon and the same time I have seen the production of the new helmet,” he said.

“We are doing a number of things now through our cross-functional teams to improve the survivability and lethality of the individual soldier and the squad, which is totally consistent with the broader task force that this is nested in,” Esper said.

Ситуацию на востоке Украины можно охарактеризовать как «Первую мировую войну на новом технологическом уровне». На фронте вы быстро понимаете, что две главные угрозы для украинских солдат — снайперы и русская артиллерия. Однако, в отличие от 1915 года, солдаты на «Восточном фронте» 2018 года регулярно получают текстовые сообщения на свои телефоны, что их положение безнадежно и им следует опасаться быть обнаруженными БПЛА.
Боевые действия в Украине за последние два с половиной года дают представления о вызовах, которые угрожают армии США и проливают свет на то, как будет вести войну приблизительно равный противник.
Веха в истории между прочим

U.S. Cyber Command became the nation’s 10th unified combatant command

“For more than 1,000 years, militaries have vied for dominance on land and sea,” said Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick M. Shanahan at the ceremony. “For the last 100 years, we have dominated in the air. Today we are at the dawn of a new era, facing the reality of war’s changing character: The emergence of cyberspace and outer space as contested warfighting domains, equal in importance with land, sea and air.”
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Подскажите, есть ли разбор на форуме по поводу гибели 4 зеленых беретов у деревни Тонго-Тонго?
Это про Африканский патруль..? По радио передавали, вчера, что патруль не должен был быть. Не достаточно подготовлены были(наверное имели ввиду не всех участвующих) вооружены не так как надо..
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