• Zero tolerance mode in effect!

Береговая оборона Израиля

Уважаемый Mailman , это действительно орудия с "Полтавы" . Выпуск , правда , не 1914 , а 1911 года . Само орудие - калибр 12 дюймов ( 305 миллиметров ) , длина ствола - 52 калибра , вес снаряда - 471 кг . Мощная штука !!!

Uhu, 1911. I checked in the book.
I remember they are 2 types of russian battle ships. 1914 and 1911 years...
Звали во Владивостоке ее - Ворошиловская батарея, сейчас там 2 человека осталось - хиреет. Но в мою бытность вокруг города было несколько 130 мм батарей законсервированных. (заварены листами). Одна из них видна прямо над городом (г. Муравьева-Амурского).
Мечта террориста :)
По-моему это египетские орудия в Шарм-эль-Шейх на Синае.

Сейчас они лежат в музее Батей hа-Осеф в Яффо.
Там арабская цифирь на разметке секторов, xорошо видно.
не совсем по береговой, но все же по обороне и безопасности:)
(другую тему подходящую для этой ссылки не нашел...)
В прессе не мелькали упоминания про береговые ракетные комплексы Израиля? Если есть береговая оборона логично предположить наличие у нее "длинной руки".
Как я подозреваю, задача береговой обороны возложена на авиацию... :?:
...или на 6-й флот.... :rolleyes:
Ты че, с каких это пор 6-й флот ответственнен за нашу оборону ?
Ты глубоко ошибаешся дорогой если думаешь что они станут за нас воевать.
Это только арабы думают что американцы окуппировали Ирак по указке из Иерусалима.
В статье А. Власова "Военно-морские силы Израиля" //Зарубежное военное обозрение. №7, 2003, стр. 57-61 сказано:
По данным западной печати, в начале 2003 года в боевом составе ВМС Израиляимелось:... 12 батарей береговой артиллерии... Береговая артиллерия ВМС Израиля включает: 24 орудия береговой артиллерии и 60 зенитной (20 мм и выше).
Без комментариев.
Примерно с этого и начиналась эта тема, только цифра была на 1973г. Общее количество батарей - те же 12.
В прессе не мелькали упоминания про береговые ракетные комплексы Израиля?
Нет, не мелькали.

Если есть береговая оборона логично предположить наличие у нее "длинной руки".
Теоритически без проблем можно создать береговой ПКРК на базе ПКР "Габриэль" или "Гарпун". Кстати, у Тайваня есть береговой ПКРК на базе Hsiung Feng-I - выпускавшаяся на Тайване "Габриэль-2" (фото ПУ, ракеты и РЛС прилагаются).

Только зачем нужна "длинная рука", если есть "ещё более длинная рука" - ВМС в море и ВВС в воздухе?

Т.е. конечно если денег куры не клюют, то можно добавить - как последнюю линию обороны. Но это - не наш случай.
весь прикол в том что корабли от которых Израиль будет отбиватся береговыми комплексами всё равно нужно будет как то опознать как вражеские. Ну а если их опознавать так средствами опознавания их и топить надо.
По-моему это египетские орудия в Шарм-эль-Шейх на Синае.

Сейчас они лежат в музее Батей hа-Осеф в Яффо.
Египетская береговая батарея в Рас-Нацрань на Синае

Elta EL_M-2226 Mobile Coastal Defence Radar system. A network of these radars is being established along the Israeli coastline.
А вот что сообщает "Джейнз" о современной береговой обороне Израиля:

Coastal defence forces

There are ten integrated coastal radar stations.
На сайте товарищества ВМС:


מש"א ארז

מש"א חיפה

מש"א תל רידן

מש"א אשדוד

מש"א רה"ן

מש"א אולגה

מש"א דפנה

מש"א תל אביב
Тут 8 этих "МАША", ну ещё что-то в Эйлате есть, плюс могут быть РЛС не в рамках МАША.

Возможно есть ещё РЛС не в рамках МАША:
ראס בייאדה
סטלה מאריס
МАША - это "Мерказ Шлита Эйзори":


מלבד לינקובסקי, ישבו איתי מסביב לשולחן גם סגן מירי וולחוב, שהספיקה להגיע לשלב השלישי בקורס חובלים ומשמשת כסגנית מפקדת במש"א ( מרכז שליטה אזורי) ראש הנקרה
МАША Тель-Ридан была оставлена после выхода из Газы, возможно и Эрез (скорее сдвинут несколько севернее).


Navy builds anti-terror barrier off Gaza coast

In a move designed to better isolate Israel from potential terrorist infiltration from the Gaza Strip, the navy has started building an underwater barrier leading out to sea from the north Gaza shore.

The barrier, which essentially extends the northern security road separating Gaza from Israel into the Mediterranean, is primarily aimed at thwarting Palestinian terrorists swimming up to the Israeli coast. It consists in its first 150 meters of cement pilings burrowed into the sandy bottom. Beyond that, the barrier will extend for a further 800 meters, in the form of a 1.8-meter-deep fence floating beneath the surface.

It is understood that one of the navy's perceived imperatives for the new barrier is the loss of surveillance systems at the Tel Ridan base on the beach south of Gaza City when the IDF pulls out of Gaza this summer. Still, the barrier is not expected to be completed before August 15, when disengagement is set to begin.

It is not yet clear whether the navy intends to demarcate the territorial waters with buoys, as it did with Lebanon. Off the coast of Rosh Hanikra, there are seven linked buoys reaching out 4,200 meters from the coast.

In similar moves to better seal off Gaza, the Navy is also refurbishing its observation and radar station at the Erez border crossing, and is adding an antenna tower there similar to the 85-meter structure at its base in Rosh Hanikra.

Palestinian terrorists have made attempts to swim to the Israeli coast in the past, and have been foiled mainly because they were spotted by radar and surveillance outposts onshore in the Gaza area. The new barrier is intended to foil potential efforts in which swimmers go beyond such surveillance capacities.

The barrier would also back up naval patrols intercepting small vessels carrying terrorists.

Last November, a heavily armed Palestinian terrorist dressed in a wetsuit tried to swim in from the sea to attack a Jewish settlement in the northern Gaza Strip. Navy surveillance ground forces spotted him and shot him dead 400 meters from the beach. He had on him a bomb, an AK-47, four grenades, five ammunition clips, a knife and a rubber dinghy. In essence, it is understood, the sea barrier represents an extension of the Gaza security fence that has proven highly effective in preventing suicide bombers infiltrating into Israel.

Jerusalem, February 5, 2004

Security forces uncover Islamic Jihad maritime unit
(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

An Israel Security Agency (ISA) investigation has revealed that the Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip has been working to establish a maritime arm that was to have perpetrated sea-borne terrorist attacks against Israeli targets in the Strip.

Iyad Abd Issa Alouan, 24, a resident of Khan Yunis, a fisherman by profession, was arrested by the ISA on November 10, 2003. He admitted that Islamic Jihad had recruited him in order to assist in the perpetration of a sea-borne attack against an Israeli target.

Alouan admitted that he had been recruited shortly before his arrest by Islamic Jihad terrorist Ala Hisi (a resident of the Shati refugee camp). Alouan was previously active in the Abu Rish organization and had been involved in military action against Israeli targets in the Gaza Strip.

In a meeting with a senior Islamic Jihad terrorist known as "Abu Islam", Alouan was told that the organization was interested in establishing an Islamic Jihad maritime unit in order to perpetrate attacks against Israeli targets and, to this end, intended to purchase as many lifeguard boats as it could. Alouan was asked train the would-be terrorists who would man the lifeguard boats. Abu Islam informed Alouan of his plans to perpetrate shooting and grenade attacks against an IDF patrol or unit in the Tel Ridan area via sea-borne terrorists. Alouan was asked to acquire a lifeguard boat, which could be fitted with a motor to be provided by Ala Hisi. Abu Islam remarked that the lifeguard boat should have a fishing license in order to provide a cover for its activities and guard against premature discovery. Alouan was asked to gather information on a suitable place to plan an attack and assist in training the would-be terrorists on his lifeguard boat. Abu Islam said that the attacks could be perpetrated as soon as additional lifeguard boats could be acquired and concealed.

Abu Islam told Alouan that the organization had $500,000 at its disposal. Alouan was also asked to purchase weapons from an arms dealer, rent apartments in the northern Gaza Strip for use in planning attacks, and purchase equipment for the lifeguard boat. Alouan received funds from Abu Islam and Ala Hisi and purchased a fishing net for use in concealing the lifeguard boats. He also purchased two life-vests for the would-be terrorists and other equipment. Abu Islam told Alouan that he must make all the necessary purchases since his occupation as a fisherman would provide cover. Alouan was arrested before he could purchase the lifeguard boats.

The security forces have reason to believe that Islamic Jihad will continue to develop new methods in which to perpetrate terrorist attacks in complete disregard of the possible consequences for the Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip, especially the fishermen.

Disengagement and Growing Terror Concerns
10:25 Jun 17, '05 / 10 Sivan 5765

(IsraelNN.com) While government officials continue promising “a better tomorrow” following the implementation of the disengagement, the military establishment is far from convinced this will be the case.

The most senior military and intelligence commanders continue to release warnings, expressing concerns over the realities that will follow the disengagement, seeking to take preventative measures where possible.

The navy is constructing an underwater anti-terrorism barrier intended to prevent infiltrations via the sea. Officials are hopeful the barrier which extends from the northern area of the Gaza Strip into the Mediterranean Sea, will serve to prevent terrorists from making their way to the coast.

According to a Jerusalem Post report, one of the concerns is the loss of the Tel Ridan naval monitoring base due to the disengagement. The navy station monitors activity along Israel coastal line in Gaza.

...and Tel Ridan (see map).


תאריך: 07/07/2002
פרטי האירוע
חיל-הים סיכל ניסיון פיגוע פח"ע מהים באזח"ע. מש"א ארז הבחינה בשני שחיינים 50 מטר מהחוף, מערבית לבריכות הדגים. כוחות חי"ר הגיעו למקום וירו לעבר השחיינים. לאחר מספר דקות התגלה בחוף תיק ובו רימוני רסס ורובה קלצ'ניקוב. התיק פוצץ ודבור 872 ביצע סריקות בקרבת החוף. בהמשך נפלטה גופה אחת לחוף ונלקחה על-ידי כוחות צה"ל. יחידות צוללים הוזעקו למקום וביצעו סריקות לאיתור הגופה השנייה.

בצה"ל אמרו כי האחריות על אבטחת הכלים ההנדסיים בתל רידן מוטלת על הקבלן הפרטי העובד בשירות הביטחון.
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It is not yet clear whether the navy intends to demarcate the territorial waters with buoys, as it did with Lebanon. Off the coast of Rosh Hanikra, there are seven linked buoys reaching out 4,200 meters from the coast.

In similar moves to better seal off Gaza, the Navy is also refurbishing its observation and radar station at the Erez border crossing, and is adding an antenna tower there similar to the 85-meter structure at its base in Rosh Hanikra.
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